Make Thanksgiving Sustainable: 5 Easy-to-Follow Tips - So Good So You

Make Thanksgiving Sustainable: 5 Easy-to-Follow Tips

As the autumn breeze carries the scent of cinnamon and roasted chestnuts, the anticipation for Thanksgiving festivities grows more and more with each passing day! Amidst the joyous energy of the holiday season, it's important to consider our environmental impact, as embracing eco-friendly practices during this cherished holiday can be a rewarding way to express gratitude to the Earth. As we gather around the table to give thanks, let's also give back to the planet by fostering an eco-conscious and mindful feast this season. Check our our tips below to have a sustainable Thanksgiving holiday!

Sustainable Thanksgiving Leftovers

1. Send leftovers home with family so they don't go to waste

By encouraging the reuse of excess food, you will minimize the amount of organic waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. By consuming leftovers, individuals can also decrease the need for additional food production (conserving water, energy, and other resources associated with food processing).

Pro-Tip: Send a reminder to Thanksgiving guests to bring their own reusable food containers & be sure to bring yours too wherever you go!

Sustainable Thanksgiving Plant-Based Options

2. Opt for plant-based options

Opting for plant-based options on Thanksgiving helps reduce the environmental footprint associated with traditional meat-centered meals. Plant-based dishes typically require fewer resources to produce, including land, water, and energy, compared to animal-based counterparts. Emphasizing plant-based ingredients also promotes biodiversity and supports a more ecologically balanced food system, with a sustainable approach to both individual health and environmental well-being.

Sustainable Thanksgiving Local Ingredients

3. Buy local ingredients

Purchasing local ingredients for Thanksgiving fosters sustainability by supporting regional farmers and reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance food transportation. This minimizes the need for excessive packaging and refrigeration while promoting seasonal eating. Shopping local for ingredients reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and ultimately fosters a more environmentally conscious approach to food consumption.

Sustainable Thanksgiving Planning Ahead

4. Plan ahead and try not to make more than you'll need

Planning ahead and cooking only what is necessary for Thanksgiving is a sustainable practice that helps minimize food waste and resource consumption. By accurately estimating the amount of food needed, you can avoid over-purchasing ingredients and prevent unnecessary food spoilage. Planning ahead also allows for better use of ingredients, encourages creative use of leftovers and reduces the need for additional food purchases.

Sustainable Thanksgiving Local Decor

5. Skip the store-bought decor

Opting for natural, in-season decor over store-bought holiday decorations for Thanksgiving is a sustainable choice that promotes environmental consciousness and resource conservation. You can use natural elements such as seasonal foliage, pinecones, and gourds, and reduce the demand for energy-intensive manufacturing processes as well as the use of non-biodegradable materials. By using natural, compostable materials for decor, you will also reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal. So go ahead and embrace the beauty of nature's offerings, while adding a unique, authentic charm to the festivities!

Pro-Tip: Use more natural in-season items like dried leaves or local florals and greenery

We hope you have the most relaxing and joyful (plus sustainable!) Thanksgiving. Have any sustainable tips you live by? Share below!