5 #SustainableSwaps You Can Make at The Grocery Store

If you are familiar with So Good So You, you’ve probably heard us preach this message: small changes can add up to a BIG difference!  That is why this Earth Month we are giving you practical and easy swaps you can incorporate into your daily life (let's be real - the easier it is, the more likely you will remember to do it!).

In this post we are sharing  5 of our favorite ways to be more sustainable during that weekly stock up at the grocery store: 

1. Choosing any produce → Choosing local produce

This swap is not only great for the earth but also great for you! Local produce does not have to be transported, which means lower emissions! Plus, it will taste fresher, because it is! (this also supports local farmers, win win win!)

2. Grabbing the same fruits and veggies all year long → Researching before you leave so you can buy in season produce

Buying seasonal food has a positive correlation with eating locally, because seasonal and local produce often go together. This has several net-positive effects on the environment, including significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions (because like we mentioned above) it does not have to travel as far to your plate. These fruits and veggies will also be a lower cost and taste better.

  • Find out whats in season when here
3. Using all of the little plastic produce bags → Skipping the bag and giving your fruits/veggies a good wash when you get home

While it may be tempting to grab the soap to make sure those fruits/veggies are extra clean, the FDA says those are unnecessary. Here is how they recommend washing your produce:

  • Cut away the damaged or bruised areas. For heads of lettuce or cabbage, remove the outermost leaves.
  • Before preparing your produce, make sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap so that you’re not contaminating it with any dirt or bacteria existing on your hands.
  • Gently rub produce while holding under plain running water.
  • If you are peeling: rinse produce under plain running water prior to peeling it so that you aren’t transferring any bacteria or soil from the knife onto your produce.
  • For firm produce like potatoes, melons, and cucumbers, you can use a clean vegetable brush for scrubbing.
  • Dry produce with a clean paper towel or cloth to wipe away any residue that might have been missed.
4. Buying individual boxes of rice + cans of beans → buying things like dried beans and rice/oats in bulk + bring your own containers

Buying in bulk is fantastic for reducing packaging, but also a great way to save some money! Our favorite items to buy in bulk include noodles, rice, dried beans, flour/oats, granola, and dried fruits. 

  •  Save those used jars! If your store will let you bring your own used containers from things like pickle and pasta sauce jars that can be a great way to transport your finds!
5. Always bring your own bags to place your groceries in at checkout

If you are looking for some new reusable bags, we recommend taking a look at these brands: 

6. BONUS TIP: Buy single bananas! 

But they are still just as a-peeling! ICYDK: The individual ones are 60% more likely to be thrown out. 

Looking for more #SustainableSwaps you can implement this month? We are here to help you green up you daily routines and your kitchen, too:

P.S. Don’t forget to enter our giveaways on Instagram all month long!