Small Sips, Big Impact: How Probiotics Can Transform Your Health

All of our delicious juice shots provide a unique, functional dose of probiotic goodness for your body. Each shot provides 1 billion CFUs of probiotics delivered in deliciously blended fruit and vegetable juices to support your digestion and immune system. But what exactly is a probiotic?

What is a probiotic?

Probiotics are “beneficial bacteria” that are good for your digestive system and immune health. They help your body maintain a healthy community of microorganisms by aiding in food digestion and nutrient absorption.

Where do you get probiotics?

If you eat a pretty healthy diet you’re already off to a great start, as probiotics are found in many delicious fruits and veggies - which also happen to be the star ingredients in our probiotic juice shots. However, taking a probiotic, in addition to eating a nutritious diet, is important to ensure that you maximize your absorption and utilization of all of the nutrients in your food. So Good So You Probiotic Juice Shots

What do probiotics do?

Keeping your digestive tract healthy by maintaining a proper balance of bacteria in the body is essential to your gut health, which is linked to your immune health too. Not only do probiotics help boost your digestive function, but also help boost your immune system.

It’s important to note that you need prebiotics to process probiotics. Fortunately, prebiotics are also found in fruits and vegetables (the main ingredients in our shots), so our delicious wellness juice shots have you covered there! All you need to do is shake it and shoot it. Easy as that!

What kind of probiotic do we use in our shots?

There are more than 500 different types of probiotic species. We use Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 in all of our probiotic shots. This is a vegan strain of probiotics that has a patented encapsulation to ensure the beneficial bacteria survives from the time we make the shot to the time you enjoy it.

How many probiotic shots can I consume in one day?

Enjoy freely! Each of our probiotic shots provides 1 billion CFUs of probiotics, plus functional fruit and vegetable juices - all of which aid in the absorption of the probiotic and keep your digestive tract regular and healthy. Some enjoy one shot per day and others enjoy more than that. Listen to your body with what it needs at the time and feel free to nourish it with as many of our shots as you desire. Enjoy!

Mother drinking So Good So You Immunity Shot

To order our delicious shots online, click here. To find a store with So Good So You probiotic shots near you, visit our store finder.

So Good So You and its blog materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on the So Good So You blog is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.